​ Office of the President

Clark Morber
Elected every two years via ranked choice voting, the President is both the Head of State and Head of Government of the Republic of Soundland.
They are responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by the National Senate. To assist in this responsibility and to advise the President, there exists the Cabinet. The Cabinet is comprised of the secretaries of the executive departments, and other members as chosen by the President, such as the heads of some independent agencies.
The President is responsible for appointing the secretaries of the executive departments and the heads of agencies. These departments and agencies help carry out the day-to-day administration of the Republic. The President also appoints people to other positions, such as Justices of the Supreme Court and Territorial State Representatives for low population states. The National Senate confirms all appointments that the President makes.
The President has the power to sign into law acts passed by the National Senate, or to veto them. The National Senate may override a veto to pass a law with a two-thirds vote.
The President has the power to negotiate and sign treaties, which are then ratified by the National Senate. The President also represents Soundland on the world stage, attending international summits and state visits. To date, Soundland has been present at two international summits: Microcon 2022 and 2023.
The President can issue an executive order, which can direct officers or agencies of the executive branch, or further or clarify already existing laws. In addition, the President has the power to issue pardons to those convicted of a crime.
Moreover, the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Soundland Armed Forces. ​
In addition to the Cabinet, the President is advised on national security, intelligence, and foreign policy matters by the National Security Council, which is comprised of the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Director of the State Intelligence Service and principle national security advisors.
The current President is founder Clark Morber, having served as President since Soundland's independence in 2020, and is in his second term after his reelection in 2023. President Morber is the Party Leader of the Soundland Liberal Party.​